Providing Insight and Direction in Investment Decisions
Ak Investment’s Research Department caters to a wide range of retail and institutional investors, providing the most recent information and analysis in our macro and cross-asset coverage (including equities, fixed income, credit, currencies and commodities) through timely and value-added investment ideas. Some of the key strengths of the research team are its orientation to detail, its meticulous approach and its trustworthiness. Both fundamental and quantitative research is employed to assist investors in their decision-making process.
An Experienced Team with a Strong Portfolio of Products
Ak Investment's specialized analysts have an average of over ten years of work experience in multi-asset research. The Research Department's periodicals, along with event-specific publications, cater to foreign and domestic institutional investors, providing them with forecasts and investment ideas. The research team works in close coordination with the sales teams in communicating investment ideas to local and international clients, and is therefore a vital component of Ak Investment’s sales effort. Analysts have direct contact with institutional investors, and share value-added investment ideas on a timely manner to help them manage their portfolios.
Strong Corporate and Government Access…
One of the research team’s major competitive advantages is its strong local touch - that it to say, its access to the C-level management of the companies under its coverage, as well as key individuals in public institutions such as the Treasury and the Central Bank. The synergy with leading parent companies, Akbank and Sabanci Holding, also constitutes a core competitive strength.
Extensive Coverage with in-depth Knowledge…
The breadth and depth of the coverage is another key competence of the team, with the equity research team covering 70 Borsa-Istanbul-listed companies, comprising around 85% of the total market cap and trading volume of the Borsa Istanbul. The cross-asset research team follows global and local macro and market developments, and provides views, analysis and investment ideas on FIFX, equities, credit and commodities, both from an index perspective and in relation to securities.
Recognition by the Investment Community…
Analysts in the Research Department have received recognition votes from fund managers in the Institutional Investor and Extel surveys, ranking them among the top analysts in Turkey. The Ak Investment Research Department was ranked #1 among 33 foreign and domestic brokerage houses covering Turkey in the best research team category in the Extel Survey 2015.
A wide range of Periodical Reports
- Comprehensive and extensive English and Turkish daily bulletins
- Daily quantitative screening / technical analysis bulletin
- Monthly multi-asset strategy report covering the global macro outlook, equity, fixed income, FX and commodity markets
- Macroeconomic commentaries published upon data announcements
- Most-liked and least-preferred stock picks (model portfolio)
- Extensive investor presentations on Turkish macro, strategy and equities
- Quarterly previews and reviews of earnings of companies under our coverage listed on the Borsa Istanbul
- Sector updates published following the periodic release of data (such as autos, consumer durables, air and passenger traffic)
- Daily market datascan providing various daily data on BIST companies
- Periodical thematic reports such as an investors’ calendar, foreign transactions and custody information, corporate actions
- Periodical multi-asset quantitative research publications, including various data and analytical tools
- Intra-day international market updates and flash news (global macroeconomic data and developments: stock markets, fixed income, FX and commodities)
Timely Event-Based Reports
- Macro outlook reports
- Strategy outlook reports
- Company and sector reports providing detailed financial analysis and sector-based forecasts and models
- Tactical multi-asset trade ideas based on quantitative and/or fundamental analysis